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Cortel Group

Cortel Group is a member of a family-owned consortium that develops residential and commercial properties. They specialize in developing master-planned communities in the Greater Toronto Area and throughout Ontario. Cortel believes in building for the future while preserving community history. They recognize that the people, not the structure, are responsible for the formation of a community. They are aware that the inhabitants of these new communities must feel comfortable establishing roots in their new residences.
This developer promotes this philosophy by investing in the environment and local charities that will have a direct impact on the communities they intend to create. Their top priority is the legacy they’ll leave behind. As a result of their dedication to long-term development, they recognize the importance of environmental sustainability and strive to preserve the natural environs of the communities they build. This developer collaborates with community organizations to incorporate the most cutting-edge technologies and eco-friendly materials and products into their projects.
Cortel focuses on flood reduction, creek rehabilitation, and pond conservation because it takes the environment as seriously as it does. Their logo, a maple key, symbolizes their dedication to the environment. This represents not only their belief in preserving natural environments, but also the creation of new life with deep roots that will prosper for many years to come. Source: Cortel Group

Cortel Group's Projects

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