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Kultura is a real estate developer based in Toronto, ON led by – Three passionate individuals committed to creating better living experiences through thoughtful design and superior quality in every detail. They are about the expression of creativity and passion through building. It is a commitment to never be status quo, to always push the boundaries of imagination and ingenuity.
Collaboration enables them to achieve common goals. It is the tangible evidence of communication, emotional intelligence, and respect for the diversity of their colleagues and their customers. It starts with listening and it ends with a result that works for everyone. Collaboration enables their sky’s-the-limit-edge that makes Kultura a leader. Kultura are passionate about building your home; believing in the importance of thoughtful touches and design improvements that provide a better living experience for you and your needs. Every Kultura home is well-planned and built to reflect thoughtfulness. Source: Kultura

Kultura's Projects

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