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omb recognizes the significance of placemaking in all of their endeavors. Every endeavor is a chance to produce something of value. This demands design rigor in a new age of sustainability in order to achieve simplicity and honesty in the design of places and buildings that exhibit consideration, integrity, and moderation. omb thrives in a diverse environment. The careful integration of many disciplines is essential to their success, and they aim to achieve this on all projects. Cross-pollination of ideas across projects is how they remain energized by their job. Their integrated design approach provides a platform for all parties engaged in the planning, design, usage, building, operation, and maintenance of a facility.


They approach their own team in the same way, recognizing that a comprehensive awareness of the interrelationships across disciplines is essential to the success of a project. Their methodology is contextual. Each project is a chance to establish the community’s distinct requirements and goals. Their design philosophy revolves on simplicity. It is a mindset that fits with sustainable design best practices, functional planning best practices, and business best practices. They labor diligently to do more with less resources. Their staff’s diverse experience and diversified interests, as well as their design and aesthetic abilities, inspire their architectural ideas and serve as the basis for their innovative projects. Their crew has traveled widely and has a high regard for the design community outside of Western Canada. In addition to aggressively seeking contextual solutions, they gather ideas for changing ways from across the globe. Source: mcfarlane biggar architects + designers

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